Enter the world of Network Engineering 2020

Network Engineering

If you want to become a Network Engineer these are the things you have to consider. You need to have a basic understanding of what you are getting yourself into.  Before you proceed in reading this article, do understand that technology is moving at a very fast rate. It is the task of the Network Engineer to be able to get also the necessary trainings for upgrade. Increase also your network of fellow engineers by joining groups in social media and be able to track changes in the industry. These are the basic concepts you need to see before you embark in the world of network engineering.

1. Network Engineering.

Network Engineering focuses on creating and maintaining computer networks which includes local area and wide area networks also known as LANs and WANs and its connections to other sites inasmuch as they are connected to the internet by making sure that they are not exposed and must remain private. However, the task of the network engineer although distinct from a network administrator, their tasks are most often intertwined because network engineers nowadays are also expected to do security, troubleshooting and even maintenance on a daily basis.

1. Network Engineer.

A Network Engineer is also known as network architects or IT system architects as they also design and develop interconnected data communication and computer systems networks used by companies. Their main task is to make sure that their systems design is stable, functional and secure at all times. Again, a network engineer must have excellent communication skills because they must be able to explain IT network systems design to the management in a way that it can easily be understood.

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