On Premises vs. Cloud: Hosting, Computer Systems and Applications

Photo by Brett Sayles: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-cables-plugged-into-the-server-2881233/

On-Premises and Cloud are two distinct approaches to hosting and managing computer systems and applications. Here's an overview of each:

On-Premises: On-premises refers to the conventional method of hosting and managing computer systems within your own physical location, typically in your organization's premises or data center. With this approach, you take responsibility for acquiring and maintaining the necessary hardware, networking infrastructure, and software licenses. You have direct control over your servers, storage, and networking equipment. On-premises hosting entails upfront capital investment and ongoing costs for hardware, software updates, security, and infrastructure management. It offers complete control and customization over your IT environment, which can be advantageous for organizations with specific compliance requirements or extensive customization needs.

Cloud: Cloud computing involves the delivery of computing resources, including servers, storage, databases, networking, and software applications, over the internet. Instead of hosting and managing your own physical infrastructure, you access and utilize these resources through a service provider's infrastructure. Cloud services are typically provided on a pay-as-you-go basis, allowing you to scale resources up or down as required. The service provider handles hardware maintenance, software updates, security, and infrastructure management. Cloud computing offers flexibility, scalability, and cost-efficiency, as you only pay for the resources you use. It also enables remote access to applications and data from anywhere with an internet connection. Cloud services are categorized into Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

Key differences:

1. Infrastructure Ownership: On-premises hosting involves owning and managing the infrastructure, while in the cloud, the infrastructure is owned and managed by the service provider.

2. Capital Investment: On-premises hosting requires substantial upfront capital investment for hardware and software licenses, while cloud services operate on a pay-as-you-go or subscription model, reducing initial capital expenses.

3. Scalability: Cloud services offer greater scalability, enabling easy resource scaling based on demand. On-premises hosting requires careful capacity planning and infrastructure expansion to accommodate growth.

4. Maintenance and Updates: In an on-premises environment, you are responsible for hardware maintenance, software updates, security, and infrastructure management. Cloud services handle these aspects, freeing up resources and expertise.

5. Accessibility: Cloud services provide remote access to applications and data from anywhere with an internet connection, while on-premises hosting may have limitations on remote accessibility without additional configurations.

6. Customization and Control: On-premises hosting allows for more customization and control over the IT environment, facilitating specific configurations and compliance requirements. Cloud services may have limitations on customization and require adapting to the provider's infrastructure and platform.

The choice between on-premises and cloud hosting depends on factors such as cost considerations, scalability needs, security requirements, compliance obligations, and the specific needs and resources of your organization. Many organizations adopt a hybrid approach, combining on-premises and cloud solutions to leverage the benefits of each in a complementary manner.

10-step Checklist for a Successful Website

Photo by Antoni Shkraba: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-person-using-laptop-for-graphic-designs-4348404/

When selecting the optimal web design for your website, take into account the following aspects:

1. Establish your objectives: Clearly define the purpose of your website and what you hope to accomplish with it. Identify your target audience, the message you want to convey, and the desired user experience. These factors will guide your design decisions.

2. Conduct research and draw inspiration: Explore websites that align with your vision and gather inspiration. Analyze websites in your industry or similar fields to gain ideas for layout, color schemes, typography, and overall aesthetics. Consider designs that are both visually appealing and functional.

3. Prioritize user-friendly navigation: Ensure your website has intuitive navigation, allowing visitors to easily find information and navigate between pages. Organize your menu structure in a clear and well-organized manner, placing important elements logically to enhance the user experience.

4. Ensure mobile responsiveness: With the increasing prevalence of mobile devices, it is crucial to select a web design that is responsive and adjusts well to various screen sizes. A mobile-friendly design guarantees a seamless browsing experience across devices, enhancing your website's accessibility.

5. Emphasize visual appeal and branding: Choose a design that aligns with your brand identity and effectively conveys the desired image. Elements such as color palette, font styles, imagery, and graphics should be considered. Consistency in design elements and branding will create a unified and professional appearance.

6. Optimize loading speed and performance: Optimize your web design to ensure fast loading times and optimal performance. Users expect websites to load quickly, and search engines also consider speed in their rankings. Maintain a clean design, minimize the use of large media files, and optimize images to promote swift loading.

7. Consider functionality and features: Evaluate the specific features and functionalities your website requires. Determine if you need e-commerce capabilities, contact forms, blog sections, social media integration, or any other specific functionalities. Select a design that seamlessly accommodates these features.

8. Prioritize accessibility and usability: Ensure your web design is accessible to a broad range of users, including those with disabilities. Adhere to web accessibility guidelines to ensure usability for individuals with visual impairments, hearing impairments, or other disabilities.

9. Test and seek feedback: Before finalizing your web design, conduct user testing and gather feedback from potential users. This will help identify any usability issues or areas that can be improved. Incorporate feedback to refine your design and enhance the user experience.

10. Seek professional assistance if needed: If you lack expertise in web design, consider hiring a professional web designer or utilizing website builders with pre-designed templates. These professionals can assist you in creating a visually appealing and functional website that meets your specific requirements.

Note: Always remember that your web design should not only be aesthetically pleasing but should also support the functionality, user experience, and overall objectives of your website. Regularly review and update your design to keep it fresh and aligned with evolving trends and user expectations.

11 Ways on How to Achieve Success in Business Through a Website in 2023.

Photo by Tranmautritam: https://www.pexels.com/photo/silver-laptop-computer-beside-white-smartphone-on-brown-wooden-table-69432/

There are 11 ways to achieve success in business through a website in 2023, it's important to consider several key strategies and best practices. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you:

1. Determine your objectives: Clearly define your business goals and objectives. Decide what you want to accomplish with your website, such as generating leads, increasing sales, building brand awareness, or providing customer support.

2. User-focused design: Concentrate on creating a visually appealing, intuitive, and user-friendly website. Ensure easy navigation, clear calls to action, and responsive design that works well on different devices.

3. Valuable content: Develop compelling and valuable content that engages your target audience. Use a variety of mediums like text, images, videos, and interactive elements to effectively convey your message. Keep your content fresh and relevant by regularly updating it.

4. Search engine optimization (SEO): Optimize your website for search engines to enhance visibility and organic traffic. Conduct keyword research to identify relevant terms and integrate them into your website's content, meta tags, headings, and URLs. Build high-quality backlinks and ensure your site's technical aspects, such as speed and mobile-friendliness, are optimized.

5. Integration with social media: Incorporate social media into your website to leverage its marketing and brand-building potential. Add social sharing buttons, embed social media feeds, and encourage visitors to follow and engage with your brand on social platforms.

6. E-commerce functionality: If you sell products or services online, ensure your website has a secure and efficient e-commerce system. Provide a seamless checkout process, multiple payment options, and secure transaction handling. Include customer reviews and ratings to establish trust.

7. Analytics and tracking: Install web analytics tools like Google Analytics to monitor and measure your website's performance. Analyze key metrics such as traffic, conversion rates, bounce rates, and user behavior to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.

8. Mobile optimization: Optimize your website for mobile users as mobile devices continue to gain popularity. Implement responsive design to ensure your site adapts to different screen sizes and loads quickly on mobile devices.

9. Personalization and targeting: Utilize user data and analytics to personalize the user experience. Implement features like personalized recommendations, targeted offers, and dynamic content to cater to individual user preferences.

10. Robust security measures: Implement strong security measures to safeguard your website and user data from cyber threats. Use SSL certificates to encrypt data transmission, regularly update software and plugins, and enforce strong password policies.

11. Continuous improvement: Regularly assess and evaluate your website's performance, user feedback, and industry trends. Stay updated with the latest web technologies and design trends, continuously improving your website to meet evolving customer expectations.

Keep in mind that a successful website requires ongoing monitoring, optimization, and adaptation. By following these strategies and staying ahead of the curve, you can increase your chances of achieving business success through a website in 2023.

Business Success: Having Your Own Website

Business Website Success 2020

Let us check statistical data which will help you understand why you need a website as a business owner.

There are 7.8 billion people in the world right now, 4.57 Billion are active internet users or 58% are always online on a daily basis. Studies show that it will definitely increase as business is done online because of dependency on mobile technology. These people are now doing their shopping on e-commerce websites.

1. Generate income

Make sure you have a website. The best website is a mobile responsive website which can be accessed by different mobile devices and gadgets such as tablets and smartphones. 70% of online traffic in 2020 comes from all these mobile devices.

2. SE0 Optimized Web Pages

Success in business means improving your website search rankings.  You have to make sure that your website is SEO optimized web pages which makes it easier for people to find your content.

3. Business is open 24/7

A website is always open even during holidays as compared to brick and mortar business. This is the best time to have your own website.

4. Easy Access

Best customer services is when you are able to manage all inquiries and concerns via email support at your website or having an online chat.

A Website for the Business Owner

A Website for the business owner 2020

Are you a business owner? You need to have your own website. 

The perfect time to start of having a website is when you don’t have your own website.  Business success includes having your own website because your online presence will definitely help your business be known by a lot of people.

1. Website Cost

It is not expensive to have a website nowadays. All you need to do is for you to have some important things ready like description of business, products and services. You may also include the history of the business, the mission and vision of your business. Website packages are now being offered which are not very expensive.

2. Project Timeline

You don’t have to worry about the timeline for building a website because you don’t need to spend months to have a working website. All you have to do is to be able to get a company who can help you build your business.

Using Python in Network Engineering: Preparing for the future beyond 2020

Network Engineering using Python

Why do I need to learn Python programming I am already enjoying subnetting, routing, and switching?  Everything has already been automated, I do not need to write any code. Software-based technologies are already being implemented.

1. COMPLEX NETWORKS. Since networks are now becoming more complex, the challenge is for the network engineer to be able to keep up with all these changes which are now going beyond what is traditionally been practiced. Network Engineers must be able to deal with scales of networks, rate of change and processing of requirements which would require them to know the basics of Python programming and move towards specific skills and tools that are needed for you to be able to manage everything in the network.

The future of Network Engineering is not just in being able to use the Subnet Calculator. The challenge for the Network Engineer is to be able to understand configuration at a deeper level.  This is the reason why you have to learn how to use Python to modify and curate scripts, query the APIs for the network controllers, management systems and devices, and be able to the foundation of network automation for Open Source projects.

Enter the world of Network Engineering 2020

Network Engineering

If you want to become a Network Engineer these are the things you have to consider. You need to have a basic understanding of what you are getting yourself into.  Before you proceed in reading this article, do understand that technology is moving at a very fast rate. It is the task of the Network Engineer to be able to get also the necessary trainings for upgrade. Increase also your network of fellow engineers by joining groups in social media and be able to track changes in the industry. These are the basic concepts you need to see before you embark in the world of network engineering.

1. Network Engineering.

Network Engineering focuses on creating and maintaining computer networks which includes local area and wide area networks also known as LANs and WANs and its connections to other sites inasmuch as they are connected to the internet by making sure that they are not exposed and must remain private. However, the task of the network engineer although distinct from a network administrator, their tasks are most often intertwined because network engineers nowadays are also expected to do security, troubleshooting and even maintenance on a daily basis.

1. Network Engineer.

A Network Engineer is also known as network architects or IT system architects as they also design and develop interconnected data communication and computer systems networks used by companies. Their main task is to make sure that their systems design is stable, functional and secure at all times. Again, a network engineer must have excellent communication skills because they must be able to explain IT network systems design to the management in a way that it can easily be understood.

Part 3: How do I become a Network Engineer 2020?

Network Engineeer

Are you willing to go through the preparation for becoming a Network Engineer? Say this to yourself, 'I will begin with the end in mind.' 

Look at the possibility of you becoming a Network Engineer by checking the possible job requirements. You can always add more job requirements in your checklist based on what companies are looking for in a Network Engineer. Provided here is a checklist of the job requirement.

Minimum Requirement:

  • A Network Engineer must possess at least a Bachelor's/College Degree, Computer Science/Information Technology, Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication) or equivalent.
  • Technology, Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication) or equivalent.
  • At least 3 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Experience specializing in IT/Computer - Software or equivalent.
  • Knowledge in TCP/IP and DNS works.
  • Good in oral and written English communication especially in reporting and writing documents.

Maximum Requirement

  • Experience in routing and switching skills especially with BGP, OSPF, PBR, restribution, route filtering and traffic engineering.
  • Experience in configuring Firewalls, NAT, URL, filtering, QoS, SSLVPN, Site- to- site IPsec VPN, SIP, call routing.
  • Working experience in IP Telephony, 3CX, SIP Lines, Call Routing
  • Knowledge in implementing network topologies and configurations (VLANS, NAT, QoS, CoS, Access lists, and trunking)
  • Hands-on experience in LAN, WAN and voice telecommunications
  • Knowledgeable in different operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and Macintosh.
  • Experience in maintaining network and network security; Cisco routers, switches, and core switches; Cisco voice gateways, Firewalls, and Intrusion Preventions Systems
  • Experience in deployment of Network infrastructure
  • Experience and knowledge of infrastructure deployment and operations within major global businesses
  • Experience of working within a global enterprise environment


  • Certified as a Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
  • Active Cisco CCNP R&S certification or equivalent
  • Microsoft Certification for Network Engineers
  • Linux Certification for Networking Engineers
  • Certified engineer in deploying network or SDWAN technologies
  • 1 year’ experience with SDWAN technologies
  • 2 years’ experience in deploying at least two of the following infrastructure architectures;
    • SDWAN
    • Citrix Netscalers
    • CheckPoint Firewall
    • HP networking

Part 2: How do I become a Network Engineer in 2020?

Become a Network Engineer 2020?

What are the other things I need to see as I prepare myself for a Network Engineering career? 

Again, you always have to remember, ‘Begin with the end in mind.’ Do consider that these are the other things which are expected from you if you become a Network Engineer.


1.    Record.  A network engineer records the status of all cases and IT-related concerns to make sure that the service-level requirement is fulfilled. Hence, preparation is important for you to be able to understand the whole IT process which should be aligned to your expertise.


2.    Support. A network engineer gives support to the IT Group in compliance to Service Level Agreements (SLAs) defined with all internal and external customers and be able to exert all efforts to provide internal and external clients the service they require by following agreed standards and guidelines.


3.    Coordinate. Always coordinate closely with Administrators or Technical Specialists, Division and department heads, superiors and colleagues, vendor and service provider, internal and external clients, always providing necessary coordination in terms of implementation, purchase and repair of equipment, proper endorsement and completion of tasks, and this is made possible through proper communication. This implies that you effectively communicate to all of them and always make sure that you have a very wholesome and positive attitude towards relating with people.


This is part 2 on How do I become a Network Engineer in 2020? You really need to see the demands of the network engineering work so you can do the necessary preparations. See you in part 3!

Part 1: How do I become a Network Engineer 2020?

Network Engineer How do I become for 2020?

Do you really want to become a network engineer? What is your purpose for pursuing a career in network engineering?

The best way to become a network engineer is to begin with the end in mind. You have to understand what is expected from you when you become a network engineer. Here are some of the things which are expected from you when you become a network engineer.

You are responsible for providing IT support which includes data network support technical services which involves maintaining, monitoring, installing, troubleshooting of network and be able to provide network support resources.

1.    Maintenance. Always perform maintenance of the whole network’s authorization infrastructure which includes back up, configuration and recovery of all network services and systems. (VPN gateways, intrusion detection systems, operates and tests network software and hardware configurations and troubleshoots network failures and errors
2.    Installation. Another part of the job of a network engineer is installing, configuring and maintaining network core systems, routers and switches, ethernet networks, network cabling and other related gadgets, devices, equipment and systems.
3.    Monitor.  The position also involves monitoring the utilization, capacity, workload, service level of network. A network engineer provides proper documentation and information supporting maintenance or upgrading network equipment and facilities, perform facility surveys for network communications and makes recommendations to the management for the layout and location of network components, equipment, cabling, and wiring. Documents and handles ticket requests quickly and efficiently though utilizing existing documentation, training & resources ensuring that ticket requests are accomplished according to the set standard response/resolution time.
4.    Inspection. Routine inspection must be performed regularly. This includes the audit of network system, software, internet links, and provide tools to ensure regular performance maintenance and tuning of systems and usage monitoring. The network engineer schedules change request activities for corrective and preventative maintenance to ensure that all network systems are operational. Provides second level assistance/support to technical concerns and troubleshoots any reported problem pertaining to the network system handled which includes restarting of systems after outages, crashes, hardware failure, and multi-user operating systems.

This is just part 1 of How to become a Network Engineer starting in 2020 Pandemic? You really need to see the demands of the network engineering work so you can do the necessary preparations. See you in part 2!

Website Provides Positive Business Engagement 2020

Positive Business Engagement for Websites 2020

1. Establish the easiest way of engaging with customers.

First of all, the best way to communicate information is through a website. Buying and selling is made convenient through a website. Information exchange is made easier for both parties to engage in a positive manner.

2. Convenience is the key to a positive engagement with customers.

A website should provide convenience by posting information like contact information, opening hours, pictures of products, contact and feedback options available for all your customers.

3. Upload all the information needed by customers.

Another best way to engage with your customers is for you to provide them with a complete web content, promotional videos, and meaningful pictures of your products and services. Promotion at its best is when you provide your customers all these materials.  Quality pictures will surely be shared through social media which could possible increase the sales of your products and services.

Your Business is open 24/7, Have a Website 2020!

Business open 24/7

1. Customers will always find you.

The main goal is for customers to be able to find you. A lot of persons have gadgets and they can access almost everything in the internet, anytime and anywhere. When they are looking for the product or service that they want, they search the internet.  You have to make sure that you have a website which immediately offers your products and services. Make sure that you also employ SEO in your website so they can search you immediately.

2. Business beyond business hours.

A business which is open 24/7 is always possible if you have your own website. Your store is always open for business especially for people who are looking for your products and services. The good things is that they can access your store 24/7.  It is really best that you provide them with the necessary information that they need and make sure that your products and services are clearly presented in your website.

3. User convenience.

No need to waste countless hours going to the store, everything is already provided online.  If you have your own website, users can easily engage with you while you provide them with what they need. By carefully planning how your website will be able to make things easier for your customer. Always keep this in mind - make everything in your website convenient for your customers.

4. Business Identity.

This is the best way to introduce yourself through having an online business identity by having your very own business website. Make your products and services known by a lot of people. Provide them with high quality picture and information. The overall presentation of what is in your website will immediately show customers all the important things that they need to know about your business.

5. Reach out to many clients.

The best way to reach out to as many clients as possible is for you to have your own business website. Don’t lose customers but win more customers by providing information about your business. By designing your  website, you allow continuous engagement with your customers.

Ok, I have a website but do I really need SEO? Best Reasons why your online business needs SEO! (2020)

Best Reasons why an online business needs

“I already have a website, why do I need Search Engine Optimization (SE0)?”

The importance of SEO is because of the fact that it will power up your website in terms of visibility and most of all searchability. There are also advantages when you employ the power of SEO for your online business.

 1. SEO will help your clients find our website

SEO helps your clients find your website immediately. Clients already know what they need or want. SEO resolves the problem encountered in terms of website visibility and search ability. The best way is to really understand user experience. Clients are happy if they are able to find immediately your website and a positive user experience will surely lead to the success of your online business.

An example of this is when you use Google search. Try to see if the Google Search Engine Results Pages (GSERP) will show your website. If your website is not searched when people look for particular products or services that you offer, it means that your website is not employing SEO.The aim of SEO is to immediately provide users the information that they are looking for in just a few clicks. This will eventually lead to promoting your brand.

2. Successful Online Business starts with being in the first page of all Search Engines

Are you in the first page of Search Engines when clients search for your products and services?

If your online business or your website is not immediately found in the first page, it means you are losing a lot of potential clients.  Potential clients would immediately look for websites which have what they are looking for. Being in page 1 or page 2 is very important because a lot of clients will not anymore go to page 3.

If you want your brand to be known, SEO provides that for you by providing a positive user experience.